I don't even know where to begin with this post honestly. I'm kind of at a loss for words...in a GOOD, AMAZING, ROCKED MY WORLD kind of thing. Read on :)

My BFF and I were discussing via email today about my recent submission of a mini album I sent out to Northridge Publishing for their
Create: Mini Albums publication call they had for summer. I had mentioned to her today that I wasn't sure when the call had actually ended and I had wanted to know that if it didn't get picked up for publication, that I would try to submit it for another publication call for another magazine. No kidding, a couple hours later I received an email from Northridge stating THEY WANT TO PUBLISH MY MINI ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!! Little old me, and they want MY book to take beautiful photographs of and publish in their book that will come out in June 2012.
Let me start off by saying I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY shocked that I was chosen. My BFF had urged me to send it it because she was in love, love, love with the album. I loved it as well, but aren't we all most partial to what WE create?? So I did it and I was nervous and I hadn't heard a thing in what seemed like forever, and lo and behold, we started chatting about it and BOOM-that magical email appeared.
Guess what my Project Life will consist of for today???????? :)
So I guess I'm saying I'm happy, thrilled, humbled, thankful, excited, nervous (I mean thousands of people all over the place will be seeing MY handwriting, MY designs, MY photos of my kids and family) and I never had the intention of submitting this album to anything when I had made it a couple months back. I just wanted a fun album full of our Summer 2011 memories. This is one sweet memory to add to this year's book...